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Hard Boiled Egg Mold Shaper Value set Doraemon and Dorami

Hard Boiled Egg Mold Shaper Value set Doraemon and Dorami

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Hard Boiled Egg Mold Shaper Dorami Robot Cat for Bento Decoration


This fun egg mold includes 2 hard-boiled egg shapers, Doraemon and Dorami shapes, the blue robot cat and his sister, yellow robot cat, from the classic Japanese animation. Great for picky eaters, encouraging children to eat hard-boile eggs.  Egg mold helps create hard boiled egg in cute different shapes, making it easy for kids to enjoy eating very nutrient food, like hard-boiled egg.  

This item include 2 egg molds, Doraemon and Dorami shapes

How to use egg mold:

- Use with Large size eggs.
- Hard boil the egg until done
- Peel away the shells of the egg
- Put the hard boiled egg into the mold while an egg is still hot
- Cover the mold and lock it to create the cute shape
- Please wait until the egg becomes cold
- Take the egg out of the mold
- Optional. You can cut the egg in half

Finish and Enjoy  

Made in Japan










Doraemon Dorami Egg Mold, hard-boiled egg shaper


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